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Welcome to the Berea church of Christ. We hope you will be blessed by your visit with us. We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and that it is our sure guide in all aspects of life. It is our goal to worship as directed by God’s Word and to teach and obey the will of God as revealed in the Bible.

Our Plea


Let us speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent. Let us call Bible things by Bible names and do Bible things in Bible ways. Let’s live the ancient faith.

Bible Study


We have classes available for all ages, from cradle roll through adults. Read more for more information on classes currently available.



Services are held at:

Sunday School: 10:00am

Sunday AM Worship: 11:00am

Sunday PM Worship: 6:00pm

Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM

Any additional services or events will be announced on our bulletin board and on our website.

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Daily Devotional
Woman with Bible


Priorities -

I want to ask a question that is one of those questions that often has the “automatic” or “expected answer” to it. Could you take a moment and measure your answer against God’s yardstick? In other words, if God were asked the same question about you, how would He answer? 


Here’s the question: “What is most important in your life?” I know, I know... That is such a recurring and almost stereotypical question for a preacher to ask. But don’t think about it as a preacher’s question. Think about God asking you that question. Think about the fact that it’s one of those questions to which God already knows the answer before you give it. Will the answer that you give match the “actual” answer? The answer that God is looking for is not the one that would come from your lips and sound good, but the one that comes from your life.


To find the answer to what is most important in your life, God would look at how you spend your time. That would tip Him off right away. We have more control over our time than we might accept or admit. Measure out the 168 hours you have each week. Just by looking at how you use your time, God would be able to tell right away what is most important to you. Would it be Him? Would it be His cause on this earth? Redeem your time and use it for God (Eph. 5:16).


To find the answer to what is most important in your life, God would look at how you spend your money. He would know right away. Again, we have more control over our money than we might accept or admit. Look at every dollar you earn, have and spend. By looking at your bank account and your receipts, God would be able to tell right away what is most important to you. Would it be Him? Would it be His cause on this earth? Take control of your money and use it for God (Prov. 3:9).


To find the answer to what is most important in your life, God would look at what you spend your time thinking about. Our thoughts are not unknown to God, but they are fully within our control. By looking at what you think about, what you want and what occupies your heart, God would be able to tell right away what is most important to you. Would it be Him? Would it be His cause on this earth? Take control of your thoughts and focus them on God and His will (Prov. 4:23).


We spend our time on what is most important to us. We spend our money on what is most important to us. We spend our thoughts on what is more important to us. Using God’s measuring rod, where are your priorities?~ Kieth Hovis


THOUGHT BAD GRAND-DAD JOKE OF THE DAY:🤔  why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?

She kept running away from the ball!

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